• Register as a volunteer

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    Become a volunteer!

    Without volunteers, no event! Your help is precious and vital to us and every year, many of you join the ranks of volunteers.

    Being a volunteer on the UTNC, these are intense moments where you are given the opportunity to live part of the adventures of the runners through numerous missions: marking, searching for lots, distributing bibs, organizing refreshments, taking care of medical charge, control of runners on the ground, stakeholder... Among you, there are the faithful from the first hour and the newcomers; there are those who decide to go to the other side of the barrier when they don't have the opportunity to run; there are enthusiasts who return every year in pairs or groups and even as a family to experience the adventure from the inside.

    One thing is certain, every year, we find you with the same pleasure and the desire to share with you this great trail festival.

    We are also looking for volunteers for the medical teams: Nurses, first aid doctors, masseurs, physiotherapists, osteologists, podiatrists, etc.

    Please know that your help is very valuable for the continuity of our event. If that tempts you! leave us a message (via the form below)

    Photo credit: © Niko Vincent - UTNC 2022